Assisted Living Facilities

a.k.a. “Retirement Community”

Main Value: Activities, recreation, meals, and socialization with many peers.

For people who:   

  • Can mostly function independently and need infrequent assistance.

  • Enjoy recreational activities and social interaction among many peers.

Potential Downsides

  • Cost can be prohibitive for 24/7 care.

  • Some residents feel lost in the crowd and/or forced out due to care needs.

  • Some communities may feel like a revolving door.

Price Range: $4,000-$7,000/month

Assisted Living is an engaging lodging arrangement that provides meals, housekeeping, and basic care services such as medication management, showers, and response to health emergencies. With such services, your Kupuna can still maintain his or her independence without having to keep track of which medications, or worry about safely performing tasks like showering within his or her private or shared apartments. Some assisted living facilities also have dementia care floors to accommodate higher care needs, and most assisted living facilities have robust recreational activities programs. 

But there are limitations to the care that assisted living facilities are licensed to give, and if your Kupuna needs around-the-clock supervision or assistance beyond what is normally provided, then he or she will be required to hire a private caregiver atop the typical fees.​

Another unexpected downside is that independent living areas and assisted living areas are legally required to be separate. So while your Kupuna can transfer from independent living to assisted living, he or she may lose the connection to his or her friends at the independent living side. 

Ultimately, if a person does not value, or no longer makes use of, the activity programming and the opportunity to socialize, then he or she is not benefiting from the best aspects of Assisted Living.​

If your Kupuna needs: around the clock care, consider an Adult Residential Care Home.

Would you like to be paired with Assisted Living Facililties? Kupuna Care Pair can help you! Click here to schedule a free consultation.


Kupuna Care Pair's map of every Independent Living and Assisted Living Facility across the islands. Visit us at to decide which service or facility best fits the need of your kupuna.


** The above statements are shared with permission from Caring Manoa, LLC’s Elderly Care Options in Hawaii guide. The statements are for informational purposes only and are in no way meant to be used for medical or legal advice, or for case management purposes. Pricing and availability figures may not be most up to date, but can provide a ball park approximation.